Monday, February 25, 2013

3 Steps to get away from those annoying little viruses!

Everyone knows that viruses are just a part of our daily lives. Viruses are all around us! You can not always escape these pesky things; however, you can do a lot to protect your machine against them. It is very crucial that PC users understand the importance of protecting their computers. We use our computers now to link to the Internet and to access a tremendous amount of information. We send important emails, pictures to our families, pay our bills online and we store much personal information onto our computers.
There is nothing worse than knowing your machine is accessible by some stranger due to a virus or malware. Considering that identity theft via the Internet is a notoriously known issue today it is important that we protect ourselves against viruses so our information does not get stolen by someone who has a very high potential to abuse it.
Microsoft knows there are thousands of viruses out there for the Windows operating system. Most businesses use a Window’s based operating system and Windows owns the larger base of PC ‘s; thus, you have a huge selection of viruses out there. In order to protect yourself against viruses here are some simple steps anyone can easily do to make sure their machine is safe and operating efficiently.
  • Helps to scan for viruses and potential threats
  • Monitors Internet use to verify safe online content
  • Most  are annual based subscription so be sure to update every year
Step 2 – Do not open e-mail attachments
  • Many viruses will spread once an attachment is opened 
  • Only open attachments you are expecting
  • Be sure to scan attachments with your antivirus software
Step 3 – Keep your operating system updated
  • Microsoft and Apple use updates to help against very dangerous viruses
  • Always make sure your system is current and up to date against the newest threats to your computer 
  • Set your operating system to do automatic updates
This is not a bullet proof plan when it comes to protecting against viruses; however, if you correctly implement these three simple and easy steps than you will be well protected against viruses! We want everyone to be safe during their Internet browsing experience! Good luck to everyone out there and I hope this has helped.

Almedina Suljicic


  1. I feel sometimes even when we take those steps viruses get through. I know you stated this is not always a bullet proof plan. I wonder if there are any new technologies that are coming out that have a higher percentage of pretection. Antivrius systems have been around for years now. They are constantly being upgraded but it would be interesting to see a intirely new technology or program.

    Laura Mayhew

  2. It is definitely important to try to stay updated on new ways to prevent viruses. I know that many people do not keep up with news when it comes to technology, but hopefully their will be new software developed to completely eliminate viruses and prevent malicious attacks. You are correct hopefully they will come up with new technology to prevent viruses all together. Even with new technology people will more than likely continue to develop more viruses and worms that will penetrate the new technology that will be created.

  3. We all know viruses have existed for a long time. Most people want to protect their computers and make sure our information isn't stolen. We do what we can to protect ourselves on our computers, but we don't know how companies are protecting us when we give them our information. Something so simple as signing up for Netflix, Hulu could have my personal information compromised. Are these companies investing enough $ to keep viruses out?

  4. To shed some light on your question Henry, I know that companies who run antivirus systems suggest that you update your computers antivirus program with the latest update in order to secure your information. That is the reason that Java always has updates because the program has been reworked to show the newest "bug free" version.

  5. Tyler is right it is important to run the updates on your computers. To answer you question Henry some companies are definitely trying to protect their information, but it is not always easy. Hackers are extremely intelligent and will come up with new ways to penetrate anti-virus software. Even if you feel that a company is securing your information it is not always the case. It is important to be cautious and keep up-to-date information about your bank account.

  6. As an internet user terrified of viruses and worms, I found these steps to be quite helpful. I have followed steps like these for some time and they seem to work most of the time. I pay for an antivirus software on a yearly basis, but I wonder if it's worth the money? If I use a free antivirus, would it be just as effective?

  7. Brad, I'm glad that you found the steps helpful it is what they are there for! I think most people are fearful of worms and viruses because we all know how harmful they are. I know during our presentation it was stated that there are very good anti-virus software programs that are free. I think that it can be worth the money just because it may just make you feel safer. If the free ones are just as good? They more than likely are.

  8. In a slightly different direction, as the above recommendations are all excellent, before visiting a site or clicking on a link from a friend it's useful to use McAfee Site Advisor as it's both free and acts as a gateway before one actually visits a site.

    I try to not click on sites that seem suspicious, but honestly that's impossible to accomplish 100% of the time. I also think that everyone could benefit from taking a class specifically targeted at viruses and practical computer security. Internet use is an ever present and growing accommodation in our lives and would be a good asset to have the skills.

    -Mary Alice

  9. The McAfee Site Advisor is a great idea. It can prevent you from visiting sites that may be harmful for your computer. The idea of taking a class that teaches about viruses and computer security is also a great idea. It can help and teach people more about how to protect their computers and information. This can be helpful in the long run.
