Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Problems with worms and viruses

Hello all,

     We all know of worms and viruses and the capabilities that they may have. The purposes may differ from each different virus or worm depending on the creator. As we learn through the video from Mikko Hypponen in the beginning of the malicious software it was for hobbyist. The malicious software would just be annoying and done for fun. As the world integrates its everyday activities with the Internet, we also become more vulnerable to the evils of viruses and worms.
      A virus is described as a computer program that copies itself from one computer to another. A virus needs someone to tell it to go from one computer to the next, a worm on the other hands simply moves from network to network on its on behalf, needing no one. A big thing that Mikko discusses in his speech is that criminal organizations have taken control of coding these viruses. Codes such as acquiring the information that you key in on your computer. Imagine someone watching everything you type on your computer, this includes bank information, name, address, phone, social security. If someone with bad intent were to gain access to this information you would be in a heep of trouble. Organizations also program viruses into computer making the device unusable, in turn the criminal organization would buy the computer from the owner. Not only would they have all your information but now they may remove the software and sell it again for a profit.
      The general purpose of viruses and worms is to make life that much harder. The Internet is a great thing but if not careful can be extremely dangerous and financially crippling. As the Internet advances as do the minds of the hackers and programmers that write these codes that take all our vital information. The only thing i can say is be carefull where you online shop and don't open unfamiliar emails.

Hector Hernandez,

Over and out



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