Saturday, March 30, 2013

These days’ people are downloading and exchanging more information over the Internet then ever before. People who are sharing files over the Internet are in such a rush, they forget about those nasty little bugs that can add up over time and make your files act oddly, crash your computer, pop up bizarre messages, or worst of all, destroy your operating system. A computer virus is one of the main problems people have with their computers. It usually loads itself into your computer system when you run a program with an attachment. From then on, it’ll reproduce itself by attaching copies of itself to other programs on your hard drive. When a virus opens up and exposes itself, it is set up to look like something you might want to download on your computer. This is why you have to be careful when opening certain programs and always make sure you take the time to look around for signs. When you want to see if a virus is attached somewhere in your operating system you have to launch the program and if something unexpected happened, then you will know it is too late.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, the most important actions you can take to protect your operating system against viruses is to:
•       Install antivirus
•       Do not open e-mail attachments
•       Keep your operating system updated

After doing some more research on how to protect your computer from viruses, I came across some other way to protect your operating system from these annoying little bugs.
•       Be sure to do a full back up of your system on regular basis
•       Be aware of hoaxes
•       Don’t allow your web browser to automatically run programs.

I hope my blog has informed all of you how to protect your operating systems. But wait, were not done yet.  Viruses are not the only type of programs that are written solely to destroy your computer or use it in an unauthorized way. Other programs are Logic Bombs, Trojan Horses, and Worms. Do some of your own research on these programs and help your computer before these monsters destroy it!

Almedina Suljicic


  1. I agree with you that having an anti-virus is important. One thing you need to remember with that anti-virus is that new viruses come out after that version. Meaning if you have a 2013 version and bought it in January, that doesn't necessarily mean you are protected from any viruses that came out in February and so on. You need to make sure you update your virus protection, as your current anti-virus should be able to do updates regularly. Also, make sure you run your anti-virus scan on a daily basis, such as in the middle of the night if you leave your computer on all the time. This way you know you won't be using the computer and it won't interrupt you when you are trying to work on a project.

  2. Adam that is an excellent point. New viruses are coming out all the time so the anti-virus may not be up to date. Updates are very important to keeping viruses off your computer.

  3. I apologize if this is mentioned already but you mentioned to not open e-mail attachments. So I was wondering if it is okay to do so if it is from someone you know ant something you are expecting or can those have viruses too? I have been lucky so far to never have got any viruses since I have yet to get an anti-virus software on my personal computer.

  4. Technically I think viruses could be in those attachments if the person who sent the e-mail had a virus on the computer that the file came from. I think it will still be safe to open something that you are expecting. I know there is some anti-virus software that will run scans of everything you download and say if it is safe or not to open. That may be something you could look into if you are worried about opening attachments.
