Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hacking the Stars!

Good day all,

   I came across an article this morning that stated that power couple Beyoncé and Jay-Z was hacked!  Their bank account information was leaked onto the web by hackers.  Michelle Obama has also recently been in the news because her social security number was compromised.  These hackers are using various worms/viruses in order to get this information.  Now, tell me, If it was they could get a little private information from the First Lady, then stealing mine or your identity should be a cake walk.  The First Lady, the secret service could not protect her from this virtual attack.  This friends proves that we are becoming ever more vulnerable to viruses, malware and all the sorts.  How can we average Joes be safe when the high status individuals can not even be protected? Yes, they may be of a greater target towards hackers. Although that still does not release us from the threat of identity theft.  I suggest we follow the guidelines set by my colleague Almendina and be safe on the internet.


-Hector Hernandez


  1. That is a very scary thought that people of such status are being hacked, but I think that is the main reason why. I don't think hackers care much about just an average person who doesn't make millions of dollars. The fact that they are high in popularity makes them more of a target than a random college student that no one has heard of. Our personal information is essentially safer in this way.

    1. Bianca this is an excellent point. I believe that celebrities and the "rich and famous" are being attacked because of their status. I think you are right in the idea that we are safer, but that does not deter all threats.

    2. I was just thinking the same thing. The answer is in the paragraph when it said "Average Joes". There is a much higher demand to retrieving personal information from a rich celebrity, even for the most innocent reasons.

      But, it does go to show that even with all the security that these stars invest to keep their information private, it can still be broken through, so imagine us "average joes" with much less security!

  2. I was having dinner just last night and found out that my friends dad, who was in Brussels recently (back in the United States now) had been hacked by someone in Paris. Someone, somehow got his bank card information and charged $3,000 to it. This man is a high ranking military professional too and will soon be moving to Brussels to take on a supreme position. It makes me a little nervous for all of my stuff to be out there. But what can I do about it, internet and networks and data are all a part of our lives!
    Heather Roberson

    1. It is scary to think that a high ranking military officer had their information attacked. I hope that this does not happen often, but I am sure that it does. I would suggest limiting information you put out there, although you are right by saying everything we do revolves around networks.

  3. This is a scary idea, as it appears that hackers could succeed in targeting whom ever they choose. I have never felt that my information was fully secure on the web, so I try to limit the information that I make availible. What remains a concern is my information that other institutions have availible and if they are taking all steps neccessary to keep it secure.

    1. Brad your point is excellent! It is a great idea to limit the amount of information that goes on the web. Who knows who could get your information? My parents are still old school and do not even bank online because they do not like signing in on their computers. They have an excellent point what if someone sent a virus to attack their computer. All their information may be compromised. I think that we should all be worried about the information that companies have about us and the security of that information. I hope that security improves, but with security improvement comes more people to create viruses.

  4. This blog post shows what I fear now that the world is literally uploading everything into cyberspace. How can we be assured protection? The idea that everything can be accessed through the web has given rise to terrorist organizations that specialize in cyber crime, and cyber crime alone. Take the group Anonymous as an example. Technically speaking their intentions are good, but their ability to hack past firewalls of countries, the CIA and even Mitt Romney's tax releases is SCARY. As you mention in your blog, if they can hack such high valued accounts, what kind of protection does the little man have? None! We are sitting ducks. The middle and lower class will simply continue to be pushed down and restricted from rising up. It is scary and pathetic. We need to straighten up our priorities as a country as well.

    Tyler Williamson

  5. With all the amount of information we as students put out thier on the internet through facebook, making digital payments, even creating a blog page, people will try and do crazy things just hack your information. Fortuntatly, some credit card compaines can monitor your purchases, and call you when it shows a suspicious transaction. This only comes after the fact, and it might be to late before somebody out there has your personal information A growing problem around the world is identity theft, in which a person pretends to act as someone else other than themselves to obtain personal information. All of your guidelines about how to be safe on the internet should help us control the amount of vulnerablility we put on the internet, and remain safe while using the internet for our everyday usage.

    Andrew Smith
